I just started preparing my 2nd ever Thanksgiving feast; Nate has to work Thanksgiving again. The turkey is brining, and I'm making a cooking schedule for tomorrow. Because we all know how much I like "To Do" lists and schedules :). For the first time, I'm making an entire turkey. Last year, I just made a turkey breast. See here. I had to have Nate remove the giblets from inside the bird for me. I can't make myself eat the neck or heart, so my giblets have been reduced to the liver. And the only reasons I'm even doing that is because I'm hell bent on recreating my grandma's stuffing. With a little help from my cousin and great aunt, I have the recipe! Apparently it's my Great Grandma Rapp's recipe--I had no idea! I also had no idea that I was eating giblets for almost 20 years.
And a little Thanksgiving humor:
Differences from last year at this time:
1) I didn't just find out 2 weeks prior that I have a brain tumor.
2) I'm not having brain surgery next Tuesday.
3) I won't be getting any needles shoved in me for at least another 2 months.
4) I'm not on steroids and don't look like I'm wearing a fat suit.
5) Since I'm not on steroids, I'm having some wine with dinner!
6) And most importantly, said tumor is almost gone!
Speaking of wine, my new favorite store is World Market. And coincidentally it's right across the street from work in Greenway Station... along with Archiver's and Michael's :D. <= Happy girl! Apparently this wine called Beaujolais Nouveau is "fermented for just a few weeks then officially released for sale on the third Thursday of November." It's a French wine, and it's promoted as a Thanksgiving wine in the U.S. Obviously it's released before Thanksgiving day because I bought it last week. I thought it'd be a nice wine to try for turkey dinner.
This year, I'm thankful for:
1) Nate
2) Family
3) Friends
4) Doctors and Modern Medicine
5) My Job
6) People's Generosity
Well, that is all for now.
Love Always,
P.S. Jinx is already taking his post-Thanksgiving dinner nap.